Board of Health Announces Violence Reduction Ad Hoc Committee

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The Toledo- Lucas County’s Board of Health is taking a significant step in addressing the growing concern of violence in our community. The Board of Health is proud to announce the formation of a new Ad Hoc Committee dedicated to addressing this critical public health issue.

The newly established ad hoc committee will focus on a multifaceted approach to reducing violence in our community through data-driven decisions, yielding the development of initiatives and action steps from a public health perspective. The Board of Health is unanimous in supporting the City of Toledo’s efforts as outlined in its plan “Peace in Motion: Toledo’s Path to Community Safety”.

Committee Composition
The Ad Hoc Committee will be composed of a diverse group of board members, including:

  • Public health experts
  • Healthcare professionals
  • Educators and youth advocates
  • Community leaders

“There are many health-related and environmental factors which may contribute to the likelihood of a child being involved in a weapon-related incident,” said Health Commissioner, Karim Baroudi. “We need to start upstream and address the root causes for why our youth are becoming involved with weapons.”
The 2022-2023 Lucas County Community Health Assessment revealed that 10% of the county’s youth—approximately 3,825 individuals—reported carrying a weapon (including a gun, knife, or club) in the past month.

“We recognize that violence is a complex and pressing public health issue that requires urgent action,” said Dr. Jonathon Ross, Board of Health President. Our goal is to be a part of conversations that create actionable solutions, which will hopefully lead to lasting change and a safer community for everyone.”