Public swimming pools, spas, and special use pools are regulated under the authority of Chapter 3749 of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) and Chapter 3701-31 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC).
These rules were created to establish minimum standards for the operation, and maintenance of these facilities in order to protect the community from injury, minimize the potential for disease transmission and provide a safe and healthy aquatic recreational environment. These rules do not pertain to private residential pools.
What is a Public Swimming Pool?
Collectively, a public swimming pool is any:
- Public Swimming Pool
- Public Spa
- Special Use Pool
- Wading Pool
- Spray Ground
Our inspectors will routinely inspect every public swimming pool (while open to the public) paying particular attention to water quality, maintenance of filtration and circulation equipment, safety equipment, record-keeping, and the maintenance of the overall facility.
Click Here for Lucas County Pool & Spa Facility Inspections
The most up-to-date Pool & Spa facility inspections are available through our website. You are able to search for any facilities licensed by the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department.
Please contact our office at 419-213-4100 ext. 3.
Drowning Prevention Project
Drowning is the leading cause of injury deaths in children ages 1-4 in the State of Ohio, and the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths in children aged 5-9 and 10-14. Drowning prevention is a worldwide challenge. Physicians and other health care professionals deal with the consequences of fatal and non-fatal drownings on a daily basis, yet there are relatively few states that have adopted drowning surveillance systems, and even fewer population-based surveillance studies on drowning incidents, risk factors, and outcomes.
Currently, the State of Ohio is not collecting data, however, The Ohio Department of Health would like to begin to collect data regarding pool-rated injuries or deaths. The Toledo-Lucas County Health Department would like to ask our licensed facilities to begin to use the Public Pool and Spa Injury Incident Report form. By completing this form our agency and the Ohio Department of Health will be able to:
- Better understand the circumstances surrounding public swimming pool-related injuries and deaths in Ohio;
- Enhance our ability to make informed, data-driven decisions during the public swimming pool rule review process; and,
- Enable us to develop programs that can reduce incidences of drownings and injuries in Ohio public swimming pools.
Should you have any questions regarding this program or the Public Pool and Spa Injury Incident Report form, please contact this office at 419-213-4100 ext. 3