Thousands of car crashes happen every single year in Lucas County. The Traffic Safety Program, through Toledo-Lucas County Health Department, aims to educate and foster better habits for drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists.
If you ride in or drive a vehicle in or around Lucas County, you are urged to buckle up. Data has shown that safety belts save lives. According to the Ohio State Highway Patrol, 96.3% of Lucas County complies with safety belt laws, well above the statewide rate of 84.1% compliance.
Between 2019 and 2021, fatal crashes steadily increased yearly. See the breakdown in data from the Ohio State Highway Patrol below:
The Toledo-Lucas County Health Department offers educational opportunities and presentations for audiences ranging from school-age children to adults 60 and older:
- Health Fairs
- School Visits/Assemblies
- General Requests
To request a TLCHD Traffic Safety representative to speak to your group, please submit the following form:
Request for Traffic Safety Presentation
Please provide information on the type of event you'd like to hold, and allow at least two weeks advance notice.