*Toledo-Lucas County Health Department no longer provides food safety classes*
Please contact The Ohio Department of Health for a list of providers.
*Toledo-Lucas County Health Department no longer provides food safety classes*
Please contact The Ohio Department of Health for a list of providers.
The most up-to-date food facility inspections are available through our website. You are able to search for any food facilities licensed by the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department.
Any inspections performed prior to July 9, 2014 are available by request from our office.
Please contact our office at 419-213-4100 opt. 3.
To Report Sickness after Eating (foodborne illness) or a Food Facility / Safety Complaint, click the button below:
635 N. Erie St.
Toledo, OH 43604
419.213.4100 option 3
Have you visited TLCHD and/or used our services?
Please let us know how we did!
You can find the survey here or scan the QR code below: