TB testing is done with the Tuberculin Skin Test, (TST). A small amount of purified protein derivative is injected under the skin. Two to three days later the injection site is evaluated for a reaction.

Two-Step Tuberculin Skin Test

The use of two-step testing is recommended for the initial skin testing of individuals who will be retested yearly. Two Step Testing requires four visits to the health department.

Step One:

Visit 1: Tuberculin Skin Test solution is injected into the forearm.

Visit 2: Patient returns 2-3 days later and the injection site is evaluated for a reaction. If no reaction is seen, the patient continues on to Step Two.

Step Two:

Visit 3: Patient returns 1-3 weeks from the date of Visit 1 and Tuberculin Skin Test solution is injected in the opposite forearm.

Visit 4: Patient returns 2-3 days later and the injection site is evaluated for a reaction. Documentation of the TST results is given to the patient at this visit. Patients with a positive TST are referred for a chest x-ray and will meet with the TB Clinic nurse for an evaluation.

Medicaid, Medicare, and all private insurances will be billed. For those without insurance, the cost is $20.00. To learn more about TB skin testing please visit http://www.cdc.gov/tb/publications/factsheets/testing/tb_testing.htm

Testing Hours:

TB testing is by APPOINTMENT only. To schedule an appointment please call (419) 213-2013.

TB Skin Tests Placed
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

TB Skin Tests Read
Monday through Friday

**Holidays may affect TB clinic hours.**

Questions? Please call 419-213-4169.




635 N. Erie St.
Toledo, OH 43604

Hours of Operation

By APPOINTMENT only by calling 419-213-2013