The Toledo-Lucas County Health Department along with Hospital Council of Northwest Ohio, proudly present the 2018-2021 Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) for Lucas County. The CHIP serves as a template to address health disparities within Lucas County. It is a collaborative effort of government agencies, health care providers, non-profits, and academia; a document focused on four priority areas with measures for success.
The Community Health Improvement Plan was the next step in a process that started with a Community Health Assessment completed in September of 2017. The four priority areas identified by the CHIP address health disparities and move the community closer to the vision of a healthy Lucas County. The four focus areas are:
-Maternal & Child Health/Infant Mortality
– Chronic Disease/Obesity
– Mental Health
– Addiction/Drug & Opiate Use
The plan also includes 11 cross-cutting strategies that address all four priorities to improve the health and well-being of Lucas County residents. Additionally, the CHIP supports and aligns with Ohio’s 2017-2019 State Health Improvement Plan.