Cessation Resources & Programs

Most find quitting difficult but one would be hard-pressed to find someone who regrets quitting smoking for good. The benefits of quitting begin within the first hour and only increase as the hours and days pass. Many people trying to quit have tried before. It is not uncommon to enjoy success for a period of time and have something, perhaps a stressful life event, result in a relapse to smoking.  Think about what has worked in the past. More importantly, think about what did not work. Consider your triggers and make a plan for cravings. Get help and support, and talk to your doctor about medication options. Be kind to yourself and know that quitting is a sprint and not a race.

TLCHD Tobacco Cessation Program offers several different resources to help you, or someone you know, begin a new tobacco-free life, while maintaining the following initiatives:

  • Continuous monitoring of tobacco prevalence among Ohioans. Annual adult tobacco prevalence rates are assessed through the Adult Tobacco Survey and Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System while youth tobacco prevalence rates are monitored biannually by way of the Ohio Youth Tobacco Survey
  • Provide assistance with quitting tobacco use by calling 419-213-4558. There is also the option to call the Ohio Tobacco Quit Line at 1-800-Quit-NOW (1-800-784-8669).The Ohio Tobacco Quit Line provides free counseling to Lucas County residents and nicotine replacement therapy, regardless of insurance coverage.
  • Provide Youth Cessation assistance with a referral to My Life, My Quit (Ohio Tobacco Quit Line).To enroll on your own, text or call 1-855-891-9989 or visit www.mylifemyquit.com.        

How can you get involved?

Toledo-Lucas County Health Department is requesting contact information for those who are interested in contributing their services and/or referrals to the Lucas County Tobacco Cessation network. Please follow the link provided and help us by filling out this short interest survey:


For more information and to express your interest contact the Nikeisha Cross, Tobacco Prevention Program Coordinator, at (419) 213-4120 or by email [email protected]