Tobacco 21
To help combat preventable deaths and a lifelong addiction to tobacco and nicotine products, Ohio has enacted a Tobacco 21 law. Tobacco 21 is raising the legal purchase age of tobacco from 18 to 21. The law protects youth by reducing the economic consequences of tobacco use. Research indicates that youth who do not attempt tobacco or nicotine products prior to the age of 21 are less likely to start and adopt this addicting and dangerous habit.
According to 2019/2020 Lucas County Health Assessment, Five percent (5%) of all Lucas County youth had tried cigarette smoking before the age of 13. By adopting Tobacco 21, high school seniors that are 18 years old are less likely to provide tobacco products to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.
STAND Program
Stand is an integrated youth-led campaign that relies on young voices to lead and carry the “stand up speak out against tobacco” brand messaging across both traditional and non-traditional marketing channels using different promotional methods to reinforce each other. Our main goal is to eliminate the cultural acceptance of tobacco use in Ohio and to counter-market tobacco advertising.
All of the activities conducted are counter/anti-e-cigarette/vaping related and are created, implemented, and evaluated by the students themselves. The purpose of the stand groups is to focus on changing community policy through policy advocacy projects, media advocacy activities, and activities to counter pro-tobacco/pro-e-cigarette/vaping influences. Youth will learn advocacy strategies and leadership skills that they can use within the community and in the future when they become young adults and professionals.