While tobacco use and smoking rates have declined in Lucas County, the problem still exists in our community. 2019/2020 Lucas County Community Health Assessment reports that 15% of Lucas County Adults (18+) are current smokers, and 4% of those adults used e-cigarettes or vapes in the past year. To reduce the number of tobacco users, state and local health agencies across Ohio are working together on policy implementation to reduce tobacco use and initiation among youth and adults.
The Toledo-Lucas County Health Department’s Tobacco Prevention Program is conducting an online survey to gather community input on tobacco (including electronic cigarettes) and smoke-free policies in Lucas County. The feedback from the community will allow the Tobacco Prevention Program to gauge community approval and empower the program to move forward on improving the health of Lucas County residents. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TLCHDTobacco21-22
For additional information, please contact Nikeisha Cross, Tobacco Prevention Program Coordinator, at 419-213-4120.